Backward Jumps!
There's no point in taking a backward step, but even worse would be to take a backward jump as has been suggested in the press recently as the I.F.A. (better known as the bunglers), attempt to replace president Raymond Kennedy. The name being mooted is that of former president, the strangely colour blind, Jimmy 'I'll do as I please' Boyce. Memories are obviously short as Boycie is a reminder of the bad old days, when we couldn't organise a raffle (admittedly we're still useless at organising things), but occasionally we get it right. There was talk of a breakaway league, but that seems to have died a death, like most things in local football.
The I.F.A. Is in meltdown and has been for the last fifteen years or even longer. Where else would you find an association where junior clubs have the final say as to what happens in the Premier league. If we can't have the Premier league governed by Premier league people then surely a breakaway is the only logical step forward, or will we just drag our collective heels, going from one crisis to another, while money earmarked for development is withheld by our tight fisted government. The proposed new deal with Linfield is a prime example of the inefficiency of the governing body, where they have taken away from Linfield on the one hand, only to give them an even better deal on the other.
Who in their right mind (okay I admit I'm being silly here, theirs none of them even remotely sane), would propose a deal where Linfield will still own the ground, will pay nothing towards it's upkeep, will be able to play on it almost when they want, get a big handshake from the I.F.A. every year and be able to play every final on their home pitch. Am I the only person who can see how ludicrous this sounds, the King as they say 'is as naked as the day that he was born', but only a few can see it. It's almost as ludicrous as the backward jump, forecast by myself, taken by Ballymena Borough council in regard to the Stock cars which share the use of the Showgrounds (nay dictate the use of the Showgrounds, where United cannot play Friday night games as the stock cars have sole use on those days), with the football club and haven't contributed one penny towards the development of the facilities.
Surely the promises made by the council of new turnstiles and a new entrance for home fans via the Ecos centre should be fulfilled. We have after all helped them to get funding for the refurbishment of the old stand and previously the building of the new one (a name for it is long overdue) and the provision of dressing rooms etc. Is it too much to ask that they, the council, deliver the goods they have promised or is it just another pipe dream, where they fob us off with promises and then claim their hands are tied. Enough is enough, it's time to get off their collective backsides and give us a fair crack of the whip, it's all we ask!