
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Wish!

My Christmas wish apart from the obvious that is (3 points away to the Scum), is for the I.F.A. to get it's act together and sack Raymond Kennedy. I actually thought that nobody could be worse in the job than Jimmy Boyce. Now I have to admit I was wrong and it was a case of 'better the devil you know, than the devil you don't know. Yeah Boycey was one of those misguided fools (Richard heads), that signed us up to the 100 year lease of Windsor Park for International games, but compared to Kennedy, he was actually a nice, if misguided fool.

Not only did Kennedy allegedly go against legal advice and sack our Chief executive, he then settled out of court and allegedly cost us £400,000 in compensation, £400,000 we don't have I hasten to add. Now he's saying he can't divulge the details behind his 'balls up' because of a confidentiality agreement. What a load of claptrap, the reason he can't divulge the details is because he made a major cock-up. Sack him I say and let him sue us (taking and heeding legal advice first), if he thinks he's been badly done by.

Added to this horlicks he's now involved, allegedly, in protracted negotiations with International team manager Nigel Worthington. Why oh why are we having such negotiations I ask myself? Here we are a football association, who are locked in a profit sapping deal with one of our clubs, not Raymond's fault I admit and we're talking about giving our manager £450,000 a year and at best he's done sweet F.A. during his time in the job. All we can afford is a basic pay of £250,000 a year, not a vast amount by today's standards, but until we can get out of the finance eating deal with Linfield, that's all we can afford. If Nigel's not happy with that sort of money, then we'll have to look elsewhere, you know it makes sense. A happy Christmas to all my readers/reader and remember, 'Coleraine are scum' Nathan rules!