Fat Twats!
For anyone who has had his or head buried in the sand (or anywhere else) and hasn't heard the news, my headline may seem a little strange to you. It refers of course to the unfounded allegation of racist abuse raised I have been reliably informed by one Dungannon director, a referee and a referee's assessor. Despite United's appeal that our fans like fans up and down the United Kingdom were calling the Dungannon keeper a 'fat' Love-child (love-child being a polite word to use instead of the more common Bastard), these three individuals interpreted it as 'Black' bastard (oops I went and said it). Now I have racked my brain all week in wonderment as to how one could get confuse the two words, fat and Black. Fat does rhyme with Twat, Rat, Bat and Sh(a)t while Black rhymes with neither of these words and doesn't even sound remotely like them. I on the day in question was a good 70 yards from the incident (or should I say alleged incident), but those that I have questioned who were among the fans behind the goal assure me that no such words were spoken. What reason would our fans have for using racist comments anyway as we have nothing against any mans colour or religion either, regardless of unfounded allegations from the 'fat controller', which he still has not apologised for. My only conclusion about the whole affair is that the 'Twat' the 'Rat' and the 'Bat', 'Sh(a)t' on us and unfortunately it has stuck. We may be down, but we're not out and hopefully this time we 'will' receive a full and frank apology, but I won't hold my breath!
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