Horrible Nightmare!
I had a dream, correction I had a nightmare, I dreamt that we got relegated on goal difference and after last Saturday's capitulation it all seems so real. With Johnny Taylor back I was hoping against hope about my assessment of Archie as a pretend central defender was all a myth. But alas I was proved right and even the bold Johnny couldn't atone for his shortcomings and they were mighty. But maybe what Glenn said when we conceded 14 goals in two games against Linfield and Chickenville at home, 'that was just a bad day at the office' he claimed he was was right, but I don't think so.
We need a vast improvement this Saturday against the Crues, who will be smarting from their own reversal at Ballinmallard last Saturday and eager to avenge that loss. With Gavin Taggart restored to the United team, will Glenn be tempted to use his combative skills against the 'hatchet men' or will he keep him in reserve to be in contention for next week against the Dungannon men.If he continues with his policy, he will undoubtedly let Gavin prove his fitness in the reserves, before recalling him to first team duty.
It's going to be tough, it always is at Seaview and United have that astro-turf to deal with and they have a pitch to test it on in training, but they need to practice, not going through the motions. We only had one match, there's 37 to go, but the start-up is vitally important and we got off to a horror show. but the damage can be repaired, we have the techknowledge. We need to take a leaf out of Norn Iron team's philosophy, it's entirely possible, you only have to ask them!
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