
Friday, April 07, 2006

Political Jimmy!

I see Jimmy Boyce has been returned unopposed as president of the I.F.A. for another term, just what is the criteria to be I.F. A. president I wonder. It reminds me of the old joke about the dispute about what part of the human body would be boss? I’m sure you’ve heard it (if you haven’t just drop me a line and I’ll tell you). He, apparently, has been returned unopposed, but what ‘is’ the criteria to oppose him, I ask once again? Must you be colour blind? A strange colour blindness after all, not able to tell the difference between Red and Green (this refers to Jimmy Boyce’s insistence that Cliftonville supporters only have red flags at matches under the I.F.A. umbrella). We of course know that it is very different and in fact red flags are conspicuous by their absence at Solitude and at away games. But maybe we are being somewhat 'sectarian' here, after all isn’t Jimmy Boyce an ‘all singing, all dancing’, I.F.A. president? Hasn’t he championed (I do hope that’s not too strong a word), the move from Windsor Park, to a new stadium at the Maze (Lisburn)? Why, oh why, has he done this, I ask myself? The answer of course is that he wants to be all things to all people. Winston Churchill, that ‘Great’ war leader (1939-45), is attributed with saying, ‘You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time!’ Jimmy Boyce is a long way into making that statement, seem totally and completely false. I had the misfortune to almost run into him at the Irish cup replay between Ballymena United and Lisburn Distillery at the Showgrounds. I enquired of a United official as just to what he was doing there and the reply was, ‘it’s a good night out for him’. You see the problem we have is that Jimmy knows a ‘good thing’ when he sees it. Have you ever listened to one of his speeches? I mean have you ever listened (objectively), to one of his speeches? If you have, you must agree that (fundamentally), they are pretty inconclusive and in fact are all things to all people. Jimmy is in fact a political genius, he tells us exactly what we want to hear, not all of the time I must admit, but some of the time. But and I must emphasis the word ‘but’, I, personally, still, don’t like him!